Novel Vol 7 Ch 3 summary (Aoi’s cooking class)

Takechiyo-sama, art by Laruha
(taken from Laruha's art book, sourced from this site)

As per my recent post, I will jump-translate to Volume 8 Epilogue due to my limited time (and TBH, my impatience to understand what happens with Ōdanna-sama – partly because I miss him so much!). But beforehand, I’d like to summarise Vol 7 Ch 3 so that people are not wondering why I summarise this chapter, instead of properly translating it (aside from the possible copyright issues…). By the way, as a reference, this chapter is 53 pages long. The title is 料理嫌いな御子 , which I translate as “A Picky-eater Royal Child”.

So, in Vol 7 Ch 2, Aoi was having a serious heart-to-heart chat with Ritsuko-san in the Nui-no-In residence. During that talk, Ritsuko-san adviced Aoi to use her mansion as the headquarters for their mission to rescue Ōdanna. Afterwards, Aoi went back to Seikamaru and Kimon. However, since Aoi sees the merit of Ritsuko-san’s advice, she then stayed at the Nui-no-In residence once her five-days roster above Seikamaru has finished. The idea is to regroup with Ritsuko-san and her husband Nui-no-In-sama to talk about the plan to rescue Ōdanna. However, on the first morning Aoi woke up in Ritsuko’s house, she was woken up by a loud voice of a child, a boy who dismissed every meal offered to her. 

This boy’s name was Takechiyo 竹千代, and even Ritsuko-san called him with the honorific “sama”, which means this little boy had a higher status than Ritsuko (who married one of the closest relatives of the King). Apparently, this boy was none other than the King’s eldest grandson. Takechiyo often visited Nui-no-In Mansion, but he never liked any meals that the Residence has offered him.

This is where Aoi came to the rescue, for after she saw how hard it was to please Takechiyo, she offered her meal service to Ritsuko-san. But Aoi also sensed that Takechiyo wasn’t just being a brat who disliked any meals. 

See, Takechiyo’s father is the King’s 2nd son, thus the Second Prince, so to speak. Takechiyo is also the King’s first grandchild, hence the boy’s position was very special in the Royal House. However, Takechiyo’s mother is a concubine (she came from a middle-rank aristocrat family, but the Second Prince loves her very much). His family is currently welcoming another baby boy into the family. Although Takechiyo had all the attention before his baby brother was born,  because this baby boy’s mother is the first wife of the Second Prince, this new baby boy takes precedent in Takechiyo’s house, because the new baby is now the heir of the throne. So Aoi concluded that Takechiyo’s fit of being picky with food might stem from his loneliness after his baby brother was born. In Takechiyo’s own words: “I am not needed anymore.”

Having talked with Aoi, Takechiyo was also surprised to learn that Aoi was a human. When he realised that Aoi was Tsubaki Shirō’s grand-daughter, he was even more surprised. He told Aoi that he had heard of what Shirō had done in Kakuriyo – mostly unbecoming stuff, I’m sure. However, Takechiyo’s child brain seemed to admire Shirō instead, and he wanted to become a strong man like Shirō. This was Aoi’s point of entry; for Takechiyo to grow into a strong man, he needs to eat. That’s when she finally was able to discern what type of food Takechiyo might like to eat. 

After chatting with Takechiyo, Aoi concluded Takechiyo’s resentful attitude towards food was linked to his loneliness. Ritsuko-san agreed, and the lady further added that she often observed Takechiyo eating alone in a vast tatami room, which didn’t help alleviating his loneliness. Furthermore, the (very delicious) meals of the Royal Residence is a symbol of solitude and loneliness to the boy. Takechiyo was not neglected per se (because his father actually worried about him), but it was enough for Aoi to care for the boy. She got to know that Takechiyo had no favourite food, and he hated daikon and carrots (well, kids…). And she realised that – because Takechiyo’s angry fit was due to his loneliness – involving the boy in the process of making the meals is important. Hence, she actually made the meals with the little prince, complete with shopping for the ingredients with the boy! She even made an event out of her cooking and called it “Aoi’s Cooking Class”. She also rolled out the following menu:

“First, we make rolled Chinese cabbage shimmered in tomato cream stew. Second, yam mochi stuffed with daikon. Third, mustard green pilaf. The dessert is frozen mikan (mandarin oranges). That’s it.”

Which left Takechiyo agape…but the boy followed Aoi's instruction anyway, perhaps out of curiosity instead of because he really wanted to learn how to cook.

So basically, the whole 53 pages were devoted into Aoi’s effort into winning the heart of this lonely little prince. It’s an important bonding chapter (much like Aoi’s bonding with Akatsuki etc), but with my limited time, I can’t spend a month just translating 53 pages…

However, granted, I will miss some tidbits because I skip translating the chapter. My Japanese reading skill is not that great yet that I can just scan a passage and understand most things in that passage. If it’s mostly kana and recognisable kanji, that’s fine. However, for passages with many kanji characters, I can’t completely understand it without transcribing it first (i.e. literally writing down all the Japanese characters) and then translate the passage into English.

For instance, I am not yet aware whether in the process of making Takechiyo his meals, Aoi was able to let Takechiyo see the benefits of having a little brother, for instance. I suspect Aoi would have that kind of conversations with the boy though, much like she did with (again) Akatsuki and Nene. 

I suspect that this chapter facilitates Aoi later meeting with Takechiyo’s father (the Second Prince), who understandably would be thankful for Aoi’s help in making the boy eat. I bet that Takechiyo’s dad is the purple-pink-haired ayakashi whom Aoi served above Moonflower Two in Vol 7 Ch 1. Since Takechiyo’s dad is the 2nd son of the King, we can see how this alliance will be very important in Aoi's mission to rescue Ōdanna later. 

Vol 7 Chapter 4 is titled “The Mystery of Yōto” and I intend to fully translate that chapter. During my sneak peek of that chapter, it seems that Takechiyo has grown attached to Aoi, and that would facilitate Aoi’s meeting with Takechiyo’s father. 

After this post, I will post the translation of Vol 8 Epilogue which depicts a conversation between Ōgondōji-sama and Ōdanna-sama. I have finished transcribing that chapter, so I hope I can post its translation by my Thursday night at the latest (i.e. tomorrow night).  

I will return to translating Vol 7 Ch 4 after I finish translating Vol 10 Ch 5 (where Aoi finally frees Ōdanna-sama from his prison – feel free not to read that chapter, of course, if you’d like to read in a chronological order). I estimate, if all goes well, I’ll be able to start translating Vol 7 Ch 4 in early April  December (2021, fingers crossed!). It won’t be quick, for it’s another 53 pages (pp 119-172), but it seems it’s worth the patience…

Update 6 Nov 2021:

I was wrong. The purple-pink haired ayakashi with purple-pink eyes is not Takechiyo's dad. He's a totally unexpected character that was disclosed in Vol 10 Ch 6. I'll tell you later about it... but he's DEFINITELY an important character in Kakuriyo.


Orchidus said…
Bravo, Aoi! Cooking her way to forging alliances (sort of). Yeah, the mustard green pilaf looks and sounds good.

Oh, wow! I did not realize that the chapters were so long! Take your time!
Icha said…
Haha, I actually made a pilaf yesterday inspired by Aoi! I didn't have the mustard greens, so I used cucumber pickles. I'll make the mustard green pilau next time.

By the way, Vol 8 Epilogue is up!

Oh, yeah, chapters in Kakuriyo can be quite long, though the intermissions are usually short. Two novel pages usually yields one A4 page of transcription, so 53 pages would be more than 26 pages of A4 to translate...

But I enjoy translating it, and I am very grateful for you reading it. Thanks a lot for the read and comments, Orchidus! Take care!
Unknown said…
Hi Icha thank you for posting these translation! It's been great reading them, I can't wit for the rest of VOL 7 and VOL 8!! Thank you for taking the time to translate your writing style is great also ☺️
Icha said…
Thanks a lot Unknown, for reading and for liking my writing style... truly appreciate it!

Yes, I'm actually also curious with the rest of Vol 7, because there are important bits there that beg to be told (e.g. Aoi sneaking into the jail to find Ōdanna-sama... and Byakuya's past, etc). Fingers crossed I can finish my Utsushiyo deadlines quickly and properly so I can return to Kakuriyo this weekend!
Audris said…
Thank you so much for all your hard work! This light novel has become my favorite because I have the same name (though spelled differently) as the protagonist, hihi. I hope you too continue to care for yourself and enjoy great homecooked meals! <3
Icha said…
thank you so much Audris!

(How interesting! how do you spell your name in your native script then?)

I still have three novel-pages of Vol 9 Ch 6 to transcribe to English. Slower than usual due to my many deadlines... but if all goes well, I can post the translation very late on my Sunday night this weekend (GMT+10).

Thanks again! And yeah, I made a set of washoku on Sunday hence I've been eating lovely home-cooked washoku for a few days... what a bliss...
melllonvi said…
Hello, thank you for your work. I am very grateful to you. Where can I find Volume 7 and all chapters after Chapter 3 (4,5...)
Icha said…
Hello Mellonvi, thanks a lot for the visits and comment.

I haven't translated Vol 7 Ch 4 etc because of the reasons I stated here:

But hopefully before Christmas I can post a translation for 7-4.

thanks again!
Anonymous said…
I just discovered your translations of the Kakuriyo light novels. I am a big fan of the Kakuriyo anime, and am so happy to know that I can continue with the story of Aoi and Odanna-sama and all the Tenjinya gang through your wonderful translation and commentary!

I wish you all the best and am especially looking forward to your translation of the Gaiden. Also, if you can, please post the translation of the Byakuya chapters in Vol 7. He is such a mysterious character it will be great to know how his back story.

Thanks a lot again!
Icha said…
Hello Anon,

Thanks a lot for the visit and the comment! I’m glad that you found this blog. How did you get here btw, what keywords did you use if searching? I’m trying to increase the SEO.

Yes, I’ll definitely translate intermissions narrated by Byakuya! I love him too and I also want to know his background story. I’v finished reading vol 7 ch 4, but it seems I will need more time to transcribe n translate it, because it’s apparently 60 (yes, sixty) pages long... I think I’ll need at least another month before posting it.

But 7-4 has Byakuya too, narrating Ōdanna-sama’s story to Aoi, hence it’s an important chapter to translate. Fingers crossed late Jan or early Feb will see me posting it...
Aislynn said…
Thank you for all your hard work! I found your page by just searching for a translation of the manga of the anime. I also hope they put a second season for the anime.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year 🎊
Icha said…
Hi Aislynn, thanks a lot for letting me know your search words/terms. I need those information for the SEO and I'll see how to modify my SEO then. Thanks again!

And yes, belated Merry Christmas, hope you had a lovely time with family and friends... and a happy, blissful new year for you, and us all!

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