
Showing posts from July, 2024

Novel Vol 12 Ch 14 (Aoi nursing Ōdanna-sama)

We may never have this chapter adopted into manga or even into S2 of the anime... so we may never get a visual. However, this scene above does remind me of Ōdanna-sama having no issues being henpecked (and doted) by Aoi... Omatase! Happy to let you know that I finally finished translating Vol 12 Ch 14 (and by late July as promised!). This chapter is special to me because this is where Aoi was taking care of Ōdanna-sama, who caught a cold, thus was bedridden. After this chapter, I will resume translating Vol 7 Ch 6. There’s an intermezzo about Byakuya after Vol 7 Ch 6, so I really need to finish Vol 7 Ch 6 before translating Byakuya (which is one of my favourite characters!). I do need a few months to finish Vol 7 Ch 6 because I have a … sewing project to do… but fingers crossed by late September I can post Vol 7 Ch 6. After some conversations with Rolypolyredbeanbun , I decided to change my translation style from present tense to past tense. Before this chapter, I would translate the s