
Novel Vol 12 Ch 13 (The Night Ōdanna-sama Stayed at My Place)

Art by Laruha (from Laruha's Artbook, 2019) This short story was published in Laruha's “Camellia and Snowdrop” Artbook (2019) and also in Volume 12 of the Kakuriyo light novel. Laruha's Artbook is so gorgeous, please support the artist by buying the book (e.g., through eBay - I'm not affiliated with any sellers). Come to think of that, please buy the light novels if you can, for we then support both Yūma Midori and Laruha. eBay would have them in a package from Volumes 1 to 12. Anyway, the story in the 2022 version (Vol 12) has slightly different sentences from the 2019 version. However, the story and effect are the same. It seems Yūma Midori-sensei just edited the sentences for clarity and flow. Then, a about a week ago, I came across another Kakuriyo fan-translation site. The fan-translator is Rolypolyredbeanbun; her Wordpress site generally translates Volumes 3 and 4 (thank you!). However, she has also translated the 2019 Artbook version of this short story. Since

Where is Aoi’s house in Japan?

The Shinto shrine where Aoi 'first' met Ōdanna-sama is somewhere between Aoi's house and her campus Within a few hours, I am going to post Vol 12 Ch 13 translation about the night when Ōdanna-sama spent the night at Aoi’s place. However, this chapter also has some interesting tidbits that may give clues to the location of Aoi’s house, such that I originally wrote a short paragraph in the footnote of my translation about it. However, the post ended up being several paragraphs long. というわけで, I decided to post it as a separate, short post. Vol 12 (p137) gave me the first hint that Aoi’s home is in Kitakyushu (North Kyushu) Japan. Back in Vol 9 Ch 2 , Aoi told Setsu that she studied the World Civilisation as a student of Literature Studies. Now, there is a university in Kitakyushu called (yep, you got it!) the University of Kitakyushu, complete with a Faculty of Humanities, Dept. of Comparative Cultures . It sounds like what Aoi would study, so I think this is where she would s

Season Two is coming in Fall 2025!!!

Season Two anime promo by Laruha   Okay, time to go to a temple and pray for the successful production of Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Season Two! Cos... It's coming, Babe!!! Thanks to some readers who alerted me about this news, I just learned that Gonzo and Kadokawa are renewing Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Season Two for a Fall 2025 release date (the northern hemisphere autumn, that is). Huzzaaahhh!!! Our patience paid off! And I knew I could rely on you guys to update me with the latest news, haha! In addition to giving enough time for the anime to be produced, hence the autumn release, the timing of the release might coincide with the story, because Vol 6 starts in autumn , and the feeling will just be super sugoi. I take it the last episode of Season 2 will happen around New Year, because that's when the main story of Vol 10 ends.  Of course, I want some epilogues and the gaiden of Vols 11 and 12 to be included as short stories... but a Season Two of the anime that covers Vols 6-10 is

Volume 12 List of Chapters

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Vol 12 (story by Yūma Midori, art by Laruha)  Apologies for the veeeery looooong hiatus. I didn't even make time to wish everyone Happy New Year, but I hope everyone has been having a lovely year so far. I know the world can be a messy place, but I hope all of you are doing well.  It's been more than two years since I promised to translate the table of content for Vol 12... but I finally got it here. Below is the list of chapters for the Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi novel Volume 12 that I translated from the Kadokawa site . I will add links to my translations for Vol 12 whenever I finish each chapter/section.  Meanwhile, news from the translating desk: I'm still working on Vol 7 Ch 6, but since it has no Ōdanna-sama, I have to say I am lacking the motivation I need to move on with that chapter. I'm still working on it though, cos it has important stuff there. However, to break the hiatus further, I think we all deserve some Aoi-Ōdanna moments. Therefore,

Novel Vol 7 Intermezzo 1 (Ginji at Dawn)

Ginji-san & Aoi ( source ) Oh wow! Tenjin-sama (the God of Learning) must be with me this week, for I was able to finish translating the Intermezzo of Volume 7 in a short time!  Please refrain from posting my translations elsewhere. If you need to quote it, please acknowledge my site for the quote, because translating from Japanese hardcopy texts to English is a really hard work... I will delete this translation when there is an indication that the novel will be translated into English and I will replace it with the summary of the chapter.  Meanwhile, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy reading it at least as much as I enjoy translating it.  The next chapter is a long chapter (36 pages), hence will take a long time. Like, a good few months. However, hopefully I can post it before this year’s Christmas… Novel Vol 7 Intermezzo 1 (Ginji at Dawn) P204 “Even when I’m tired, when I go back home, when I see your smile and your cooking, I’m sure I’ll be able to do my best…” Yes, tur

Novel Vol 7 Ch 5 (The Game of Tenjin Temari)

The beautiful, caring Ginji-san ( source ) Apologies for taking almost ONE YEAR to translate Vol 7 Ch 5, but I hope you enjoy it despite the one-year hiatus. Next, I will translate an intermezzo narrated by Ginji-san. That one should be quicker, because it’s only four novel pages to translate.  Please refrain from posting my translations elsewhere. If you need to quote it, please acknowledge my site for the quote, because translating from Japanese hardcopy texts to English is a really hard work... I will delete this translation when there is an indication that the novel will be translated into English and I will replace it with the summary of the chapter.  Meanwhile, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy reading it at least as much as I enjoy translating it.  Novel Vol 7 Ch 5 (The Game of Tenjin Temari) P174-203 That night, after a few days of absence, we returned to Tenjin-ya. Sasuke-kun, the Kamaitachi kids and myself brought the produce that we obtained from Yōto for the Moonfl